Showing posts with label Sharing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sharing. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Am I Blogging As My True Self?

IMAGE : THE MOTHER LOAD | Am I Blogging As My True Self?
I've been asking myself this question quite a lot lately. 

Am I really blogging as my true self?

This question has been bugging me in recent times, niggling away at the creative side of my brain which most of the time also doubles as my harshest critic. Truthfully, the answer is that I'm no longer sure. Maybe I am but I feel a bit of a disconnection to my own story lately and the words aren't flowing quite so freely. I feel like maybe I'm censoring myself a bit? This might be because I'm going through a few life changes; not the type of changes that see me driving a red sports car and shouting hormonal obscenities at random strangers, but more the kind of lifestyle changes that flip your world upside down while you hang on by your fingernails and hope for the best. More about that later.

Monday, January 20, 2014

One Year On! (And Other Cliché Headings)


So this week marks one year since I shared The Mother Load Australia blog for the very first time. *insert proud, overbearing stage mother face here*.

Back then, I set myself a little writing-a-blog goal and although the sharing was the most uncomfortable bit (yes - hard to believe at this point, right?), the response has definitely been the most rewarding part of the journey. Not in my widest dreams did I imagine that people would take the time to read, comment and share with their friends, the thoughts I randomly transfer from my scrambled brain onto the page with my usual irregularity and lack of planning. I still cringe with a small sense of embarrassment when I consider the concept of having an 'audience', but that is far outweighed by the privilege of getting a response every time I write.  What a rush.

I've had such a blast writing my ramblings, meeting other bloggers, learning how to do it better and seeing the audience grow. The most fun bit for me is that The Mother Load Facebook page is heading towards 200 followers - that's nearly 200 people who are happy for me to appear in their Facebook feed on an ongoing basis which is kinda mind-blowing and awesome. Thanks to all of you for taking the time to comment, 'like' stuff and share;  I'm certain the goal would have died a long time ago without the encouragement and accountability of all of you (because half arsed, unfinished goals are also a passion of mine it seems).

Anyway, here's to the year ahead. The Mother Load Australia will continue in 2014 and my new goal is to see it evolve, continue to do it better and hopefully entertain with more ramblings of parenthood, instinct, opinion, occasional wisdom and more than a little dysfunction.

S. x

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Social Media Manners - What's Your Code Of Conduct?

IMAGE : MORGUEFILE.COM | Social Media Manners
I was reading a post on an Australian parenting forum recently, where a mother was asking for advice on what you would do if a photo of your child appeared on Facebook (or similar) without your knowledge or consent. The mother was rightly pissed off and had only found out about it when someone commented that they'd seen the picture online and remarked on how much her daughter had grown up. The photo was neither dodgy or suggestive, but her dilemma was that she felt a little violated and unsure about whether she should ask the sharing mother to take the post down. Furthermore, she was interested in what the 'rules' are regarding social media manners given her permission had not been sought. Seems like a pretty clear cut case of thoughtlessness to me but it got me thinking about online etiquette and how grey the line obviously is for some people.