Showing posts with label Renovations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renovations. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Home Is Where The Bath Is....

IMAGE : PINTEREST | Home Is Where The Bath Is

We only have one bathroom. 

We moved from a house with a bathroom for every member of the family a few years ago and now, in the name of moving to a more desirable suburb close to school we live in a little "cottage". Calling it a cottage is my way of defining our ridiculously small abode while making it sound worthy of a House and Garden spread. In reality, it's a nice house but should be twice the size given how many family members we have. No really - I'm not being a massive sook, it's genuinely small. 

(Okay, well maybe I'm being a bit of a sook. First world problems and all that. Anyway, stay with me).