Wednesday, September 10, 2014

2014 - I'm Not A Fan!

IMAGE : THE MOTHER LOAD | 2014 - I'm Not A Fan

So I'm interested to hear - how would you rate your 2014 so far?

We're now three quarters of the way through and I'm wondering if you would say this year has been one of your best, one of your worst or one like any other? 

I've been pretty lucky from year to year - largely they've peeled past at a rapid rate, leaving our family relatively unscathed and allowing each of us to take the relevant steps onward and upward with ease and a generous dose of happiness. This year however, will probably go down in our history as one my family might rather put behind us. More accurately, I'd describe it as large bucket of steaming dog turd if such a comparison is called for. For various reasons, we've all found ourselves furiously spinning plates in the air just trying to tackle one life-altering issue to the next; you name it, my relatively small (but thankfully robust) family has tackled it in 2014.

I don't share this for pity's sake though; my point here is that we've tackled it and tackled it well. Thanks to strength and positivity, everyone is winning as best they can. The assumption that those who are fortunate enough to avoid most of life's tough times are often not equipped with the tools to survive and conquer is certainly not the case with the people near and dear to me. It's amazing how far a decent attitude can take you in your quest to get back into the sunshine; that coupled with clear, respectful thinking and having the ability to be thankful for what remains through adversity. With that in mind, the sunshine is getting closer for all - I have no doubt.

What's equally as important through the journey is the way in which people who matter the most to each other come together - certainly in my family's case we've managed to link arms and form a proverbial riot squad against the tide of difficulties so far. 

One of the many lessons I've learned this year is to stop taking everything for granted. That niggling fear that I've often quietly harboured when things are going 'too well' I now understand is a little warning sign telling me to get prepared for anything that might be around the corner in a "make hay while the sun shines" kinda way. And you know what? It's also good to remember there's always someone worse off than you. It may feel hard to believe under duress, and it's not like we want others to be worse off than us, but there's usually someone tackling something far greater than you and we should sometimes use other people's challenges as a way to gain some perspective on our own.

So how would you rate your 2014?  What have been the highlights? What have been your challenges? Whatever is happening in your world in 2014, I hope you're winning cos for me, 2014 - I'm NOT a fan!


  1. So far, so good. This year is getting my tick of approval, but there have been some shockers in the past. Good luck for what is left of 2014. xx N

  2. Glad to hear you're having a good one - thanks for stopping by! X

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your year. I love the lessons and wisdom you've shared in this post about not taking things and people for granted. We live in a fast world and all too often we forget how blessed we are with what we have but we don't always stop to enjoy it. My year has been great. I had my third daughter in July and my 30th. It hasn't been without problems of the financial kind but we are getting through. I hope from now to the end of the year you can finish off well. X

    1. Thanks for your comment, Rebecca and congrats on the birth of your bubba - nothing like a new baby to make you feel blessed and alive! Xx

  4. It's definitely been a whole lot better than 2013 and things are looking up! Hope your year improves - there are still a few months to go:-)

    1. Thanks Rebecca - it's always nice to hear that others are enjoying their time even if you're not so much. Tells us that there is the possibility of great things around the corner. X
